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"White" polycarbonate blade (diameter: 25.4mm)

Basic "white" polycarbonate blade for lightsaber. The outer diameter is 25.4mm. The blade is fixed in the lightsaber by tightening screws which "bite" the polycarbonate.


Two thicknesses are available:

  • classic blade 2mm thick (also called "midgrade"), good strength.
  • heavy blade (also called "heavy grade") 3mm thick, very strong, but also very heavy.


Two lengths are available:

  • classic length of 82/83 cm
  • long length of 91/92 cm


Depending on the length, the blade caps are either glued or screwed, and can also be reinforced with heat-shrink film.

"White" polycarbonate blade (diameter: 25.4mm)



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